Researchers used data from the Dark Energy Survey and the South Pole Telescope to re-calculate the total amount and distribution...
Scientists have released a new survey of all the matter in the universe, using data taken by the Dark Energy...
Deepfake News - The Download: risks to Reddit, and the potential return of the dodo -
Deepfake News - The Download: risks to Reddit, and the potential return of the dodo -
Deepfake News - The Morning After: The verdict on Apple’s second-generation HomePod -
A group of scientists have released one of the most precise measurements ever made of how matter is distributed across...
Deepfake News - Hollywood Plans to Use AI to Youngify Tom Hanks in Adaptation of Surreal Graphic Novel Here -...
Deepfake News - Watch Deepfake Tech Flawlessly Change an Actor's Spoken ... - PetaPixel -
Deepfake News - Popular Female Streamers Targeted In Deepfake Pornography Scandal -
Camp Enderwood is the latest line of toys in the Minecraft Creator Series. Mattel and Mojang collaborated to blend physical...
Deepfake News - 4chan users embrace AI voice clone tool to generate celebrity hatespeech -
Deepfake News - A new AI voice tool is already being abused to deepfake celebrity audio clips -
Deepfake News - AI-Generated Voice Firm Clamps Down After 4chan Makes Celebrity Voices For Abuse -
The frontiers of astronomy are being pushed regularly these days thanks to next-generation telescopes and scientific collaborations. Even so, astronomers...
Deepfake News - AI Voice Simulator Easily Abused to Deepfake Celebrities Spouting Racism and Homophobia -
Deepfake News - ElevenLabs found an uptick in "voice cloning misuse cases" during its recent beta; Motherboard finds deepfake voices...
Riot Games has laid out its plans to revitalize its collectible League of Legends card game, Legends of Runeterra, in...