The Senate is scheduled to vote October 7th, 2015 on H.R. 2028 - Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies...
Sunlight Foundation
The Senate is scheduled to vote October 7th, 2015 on H.R. 1735 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year...
The Senate is scheduled to vote October 6th, 2015 on H.R. 1735 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 3192 - Homebuyers Assistance...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on S. 986 - Albuquerque Indian...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on S. 2078 - United States...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on S. 1300 - Adoptive Family...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 702 - To adapt...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 538 - Native American...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 3510 - Department of...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 3102 - Airport Access...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 3032 - Securities and...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 2168 - West Coast...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 2091 - Child Support...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 1525 - Disclosure Modernization...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 1839 - RAISE Act...
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote the week of October 5th, 2015 on H.R. 1553 - Small Bank...
The Senate is scheduled to vote September 11th, 2015 on H.J.Res. 61 - Hire More Heroes Act of 2015Sponsor Rep....