The Soviet Union and Japan in the Far East (Foreign Policy Reports v8 #12; 1933), by Vera Micheles Dean (multiple...
New Online Books
The Political Structure of the Soviet State: The Communist Party (Foreign Policy Reports v8 #1; 1932), by Vera Micheles Dean...
The Political Structure of the Soviet State: The Government of the Union (Foreign Policy Reports v8 #2; 1932), by Vera...
Forces Underlying the Nazi Revolution (Foreign Policy Reports v9 #10; 1933), by Mildred S. Wertheimer (multiple formats at from...
The Jews in the Third Reich (Foreign Policy Reports v9 #16; 1933), by Mildred S. Wertheimer (multiple formats at
The Political Outlook in Germany and France (Foreign Policy Reports v8 #4; 1932), by Mildred S. Wertheimer and Vera Micheles...
Hitler and the German Political Crisis, 1932-1933 (Foreign Policy Reports v8 #26; 1933), by Mildred S. Wertheimer (multiple formats at...
The World Disarmament Conference: First Stage, February 2-March 17, 1932 (Foreign Policy Reports v8 #5; 1932), by William T. Stone...
The World Disarmament Conference: Second Stage, March 17, 1932-January, 1933 (Foreign Policy Reports v8 #23; 1933), by William T. Stone...
A First Report of the Relations Between Climates and Crops (Washington: GPO, 1905), by Cleveland Abbe (multiple formats at
Labor and Capital Are One (10th edition; New York: American Bank Note Co., 1886), by Elliott F. Shepard (multiple formats...
Biographical Memoir of Cleveland Abbe, 1838-1916 (Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1919), by W. J. Humphreys (page images at Google)...
How to Make and Use Graphic Charts (first edition; New York: Codex Book Co., 1919), by Allan C. Haskell, contrib....
America's Concentration Camps: The Facts About Our Indian Reservations Today (New York: D. McKay Co. c1956), by Carlos B. Embry...
The Managed Casualty: The Japanese-American Family in World War II (University of California Publications in Culture and Society v6; Berkeley...
Soldiers, Indians and Silver: The Northward Advance of New Spain, 1550-1600 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1952),...
The College Nisei (Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books, 1949), by Robert W. O'Brien (page images at HathiTrust) from New Online...
The Sword and the Sun: A Story of the Spanish Civil Wars in Peru (New York: C. Scriber's Sons, 1953),...