Brontëana: The Rev. Patrick Bronte, A.B., His Collected Works and Life (Bingley: T. Harrison and Sons, 1898), by Patrick Brontë,...
New Online Books
Environment (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, c1922), by Phyllis Eleanor Bentley (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) from New Online...
Somewhere (piano-vocal setting by Foster of a poem by Barnes; New York: W. A. Pond and Co., c1917), by Fay...
Scale: Discourse and Dimensions of Social Life (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, c2016), ed. by E. Summerson Carr and...
Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, c2016), by...
The Dream Is Over: The Crisis of Clark Kerr’s California Idea of Higher Education (Oakland, CA: University of California Press,...
Amps: Architecture_Media_Politics_Society (2012-) (full serial archives) from New Online Books
Description des Daguerréotypes qui se Fabriquent Chez l'Ingénieur Chevallier (in French; Paris: L'Ingénieur Chevallier, 1843), by Charles Chevalier (PDF in...
Modern Korea: The Socialist North, Revolutionary Perspectives in the South, and Unification (New York: International Publishers, c1970), by Kim Pyong-Sik,...
Modern Korea: The Socialist North, Revolutionary Perspectives in the South, and Unification (New York: International Publishers, c1970), by Kim Pyong-Sik,...
Modern Korea: The Socialist North, Revolutionary Perspectives in the South, and Unification (New York: International Publishers, c1970), by Kim Pyong-Sik,...
Revolution and Socialist Construction in Korea: Selected Writings of Kim Il Sung (New York: International Publishers, c1971), by Kim Il...
Chronicon Parvum Ripaltae: seu, Chronica Pedemontana Minora (in Latin with Italian notes; Città di Castello: Tipi della casa editrice S....
Chronicon Parvum Ripaltae: seu, Chronica Pedemontana Minora (in Latin with Italian notes; Città di Castello: Tipi della casa editrice S....
The History of Button Hill (New York: R. R. Smith, 1930), by Gordon Stowell (page images at HathiTrust) from New...