Sculpture, 1896-1923 (Corinth series v9 (part 1); Cambridge, MA: Pub. for the American School of Classical Studies at Athens by...
New Online Books
De Republica Ebraeorum (in Latin; Leiden: J. Maire, 1641), by Bonaventure Corneille Bertram, ed. by Constantijn 1591-1648 L'Empereur (page images...
Bonner Durchmusterung (3 volumes; Washington: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1993), by Astronomical Data Center (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)...
Die Umbrischen Sprachdenkmäler: Ein Versuch zur Deutung Derselben (2 volumes in 1, in German; Berlin: F. Dümmler, 1849-1851), by Theodor...
Die Oskischen und Sabellischen Sprachdenkmäler: Sprachliche und Sachliche Erklärung, Grammatik und Glossarium (in German; Elberfeld: R. L. Friderichs, 1856), by...
Terzo Supplemento alla Raccolta delle Antichissime Iscrizioni Italiche (in Italian; Rome et al.: F. Bocca, 1878), by Ariodante Fabretti (page...
The Maine Campus (and predecessor student newspapers, 1875-present) (partial serial archives) from New Online Books
Die Stadt Ohne Juden: Ein Roman von Übermorgen (in German; Vienna: Gloriette-Verlag, c1922), by Hugo Bettauer, illust. by Martha von...
Kappa Alpha Lawyers, 1917: Official (Richmond, VA: Kappa Alpha Order, 1917), by Kappa Alpha Order, ed. by Cyrus W. Beale...
The Luna Papers: Documents Relating to the Expedition of Don Tristán de Luna y Arellano for the Conquest of La...
The Fine Old Hebrew Gentleman (London: T. W. Laurie, ca. 1922), by T. W. H. Crosland (multiple formats at
The History of South Carolina, From its First European Discovery to its Erection into a Republic; With a Supplementary Book,...
Is Austria Doomed? (London et al: Hodder and Stoughton, 1916), by Caroline Zanardi Landi (stable link) from New Online Books...
Kappa Alphas in Richmond, Virginia: Some Virginia Kappa Alphas, 1915 (Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson, 1915), by Cyrus W. Beale (stable...
The Last Days of the Romanovs (New York: George H. Doran company, c1920), by G. G. Tel'berg and Robert Wilton...
The Melting-Pot: Drama in Four Acts (New York: Macmillan, 1909), by Israel Zangwill (stable link) from New Online Books
An Outlaw's Diary (2 volumes; London: P. Allan and Co., c1923), by Cécile Tormay, contrib. by Alan Ian Percy Northumberland...
Some Kappa Alpha Songs (Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1907), ed. by Hardin T. Burnley (stable link) from New Online...