On to Smalltalk (corrected online version, based on the edition published 2003), by Patrick Henry Winston (illustrated HTML with commentary...
New Online Books
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (2010), by Common...
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (ca. 2010), by Common Core State Standards Initiative (HTML and PDF at corestandards.org) from...
The Canon: An Exposition of the Pagan Mystery Perpetuated in the Cabala as the Rule of All the Arts (London:...
Early History of Greater Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas: The Prophetic City at the Mouth of the Kaw (Diamond Jubilee...
Ohio: First Fruits of the Ordinance of 1787 (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1888), by Rufus King...
A Research Report: A Basic Text for Post Graduate Courses in Gnathology (Ventura, CA: C. E. Stuart, c1955), by Beverly...
Remedial Reading Drills (Ann Arbor, MI: G. Wahr, 1965), by Thorleif G. Hegge, Samuel A. Kirk, and Winifred D. Kirk...
Manual of Directions for Use With the Hegge-Kirk Remedial Reading Drills, With Clinical Suggestions for the Treatment of Non-readers (Ann...
Toward a Living Architecture? Complexism and Biology in Generative Design (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, c2018), by Christina...
On the Revaluation of Value (core, draft, and supplementary texts; Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2018), by Brian Massumi (HTML...
Learning Versus the Common Core (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2019), by Nicholas Tampio (HTML with commentary at umn.edu) from...
Theory for the World to Come: Speculative Fiction and Apocalyptic Anthropology (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, c2019), by...
Edges of the State (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, c2019), by John Protevi (illustrated HTML with commentary at...
The Language of Nature: Reassessing the Mathematization of Natural Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota...
The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare (multiple editions) from New Online Books https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/work?id=olbp80883
On to Java (third edition, 2001), by Patrick Henry Winston and Sundar Narasimhan (HTML and embedded Java with commentary at...
Chinatown No More: Taiwan Immigrants in Contemporary New York (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c1992), by Hsiang-Shui Chen...