Christ in Christian Thought: Notes on the Development of the Doctrine of Christ's Person (London: J. Clarke and Co., 1919),...
New Online Books
The Historic and the Inward Christ: A Study in Quaker Thought (London: Headley Bros., 1914), by Edward Grubb (stable link)...
What is Quakerism? An Exposition of the Leading Principles and Practices of the Society of Friends, As Based on the...
The Later Periods of Quakerism (2 volumes; London: Macmillan and Co., 1921), by Rufus M. Jones (stable link) from New...
Longinus in England, Bis Zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts (in German, with English and Greek quotations; Berlin: Mayer und Müller,...
The Religion of Experience: An Examination of Some of the Difficulties of Christian Faith (London: Headley Bros., ca. 1918), by...
What is Quakerism? An Exposition of the Leading Principles and Practices of the Society of Friends, As Based on the...
Seth Sweetser and His Descendants (Philadelphia: Integrity Press, 1938), by Philip S. Sweetser (page images at HathiTrust) from New Online...
Poems of the Late Francis S. Key Esq., Author of "The Star Spangled Banner" (New York: R. Carter and Bros.,...
Old Greenbottom Inn, and Other Stories (1906), by George Marion McClellan (page images at HathiTrust) from New Online Books
Fleisher's Knitting and Crocheting Manual (15th edition; Philadelphia: S.B. and B.W. Fleisher, Inc., 1917), by Fleisher (Firm) (page images at...
The Ally (Berkeley-based antiwar periodical; most issues online 1968-1974) (partial serial archives) from New Online Books
All Ready On The Left (published for soldiers at Camp Pendleton, Vista, CA, 1970-1971) (partial serial arxhives) from New Online...
Amazon Quarterly (US lesbian feminist arts journal, issues online 1972-1975) (partial serial archives) from New Online Books
Physiographic Regions of the United States (New York et al.: American Book Co., 1895), by John Wesley Powell (stable link)...
Current Research in Digital History (2018-) (full serial archives) from New Online Books
The Most Excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice (first quarto; London: Printed by I. R. For T. Heyes, 1600),...
On to C++ (corrected online version, c2003), by Patrick Henry Winston (HTML with commentary at MIT) from New Online Books...