The Charlestown Collection of Sacred Songs, Adapted to Public and Private Devotion; Principally Original Compositions (Boston: Printed by I. Thomas...
New Online Books
A Collection of Hymns, More Particularly Designed for the Use of the West Society in Boston (second edition, with additions;...
The Mantle, and Other Stories (New York: F. A. Stokes; London: T. W. Laurie, ca. 1916), by Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol',...
The Methodist Pocket Hymn-Book, Revised and Improved: Designed as a Constant Companion for the Pious, of All Denominations, Collected From...
St. John's Eve and Other Stories, From "Evenings at the Farm" and "St. Petersburg Stories" (New York: T. Y. Crowell...
Minutes of the Christian Convention, Opposed to Secret Societies, Held at Pittsburg, May 5th, 6th and 7th, 1868 (Chicago: E....
Exposition Paul Gaugin: Galeries Durand-Ruel, 16 Rue Laffitte, 16, Paris, November 1893 (text in French; Paris: Imp. de l'Art. E....
The Antigone of Sophocles, With Notes For the Use of Colleges in the United States (in Greek, with English notes;...
The Ladder of Rickety Rungs (Chicago et al.: P. V. Volland Co., c1923), by Thomas C. O'Donnell, illust. by Janet...
The Antigone of Sophocles; With Brief English Notes for School Use (main text in Greek; London: G. Bell and Sons,...
Knights of the Grail: Lohengrin; Galahad (published under "Norley Chester" pseudonym; London et al.: T. Nelson and Sons, 1915), by...
Banta's Greek Exchange (partial serial archives) from New Online Books
Antigone, by Sophocles (multiple editions) from New Online Books
The Invisible Hand on Hong Kong's Media (2016), by Reporters Without Borders (PDF with commentary at from New Online...
China's Pursuit of a New World Media Order (in English, Chinese, and French; 2019), by Reporters Without Borders (PDF files...
Umbrella Movement: End Politically Motivated Prosecutions in Hong Kong (in English and Chinese; 2018), by Amnesty International (PDF files at...
Rights in Retreat: Abuses in Crimea (New York: Human Rights Watch, c2014), by Yulia Gorbunova (illustrated HTML and PDF wth...
Online and On All Fronts: Russia's Assault on Freedom of Expression (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2017), by Yulia Gorbunova...