History of Ancient Pottery: Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman (new and revised edition; London: J. Murray, 1873), by Samuel...
New Online Books
History of Ancient Pottery (2 volumes; London: J. Murray, 1858), by Samuel Birch (stable link) from New Online Books https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book//lookupid?key=olbp81140
History of Ancient Pottery: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman (London: J. Murray, 1905), by H. B. Walters, contrib. by Samuel Birch...
Nostradamus, Seer And Prophet: Quatrains That Apply To Today (Indianapolis: Fellowship Press, 1941) (multiple formats at archive.org) from New Online...
Birth Control: What Is It? (Boston: Small, Maynard and Co., c1923), by Lydia Allen DeVilbiss, contrib. by Adolf Meyer (stable...
Die Religion und Kunst von El-Amarna (Berlin: J. Bard, c1923), by Heinrich Schäfer, contrib. by Norman de Garis Davies and...
Amarna Reliefs from Hermopolis in American Collections (New York: Brooklyn Museum, 1965), by John D. Cooney (page images at HathiTrust)...
What Really Happened at Paris: The Story of the Peace Conference, 1918-1919, by American Delegates (New York: C. Scribner's Sons,...
Ancient Lives of Vergil, with an Essay on the Poems of Vergil in Connection with His Life and Times (Oxford:...
Boche and Bolshevik: Being a Series of Articles from the Morning Post of London, Reprinted for Distribution in the United...
Les Merveilles de la Céramique: ou, L'Art de Façonner et Décorer les Vases en Terre Cuite, Faience, Grès et Porcelaine,...
Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica: A Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History (Publications of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition #3; London: Office of the Jewish...
Antieke Terra-Cotta Lampen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden (in Dutch; Leiden: L. v. Nifterik Hzn., 1913), by Johanna...
The World Hoax (Asheville, NC: Pelley Publishers, 1938), by Ernest F. Elmhurst, contrib. by William Dudley Pelley (page images at...
Aelii Donati Commenti Vergiliani: Reliquiae Praeter Vitam, Praefationem, Prooemium (dissertation in Latin; Greifswald: H. Adler, 1910), by Aelius Donatus and...
Commentum Terenti, Acedunt Eugraphi Commentum et Scholia Bembina (3 volumes in Latin; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1902-1908), by Aelius Donatus,...
The Examiner: A Monthly Review of Religious and Humane Questions, and of Literature (5 issues published; Chicago: Western News Co.,...
Tell el Amarna (London: Methuen and Co., 1894), by W. M. Flinders Petrie, contrib. by A. H. Sayce, F. Ll....