SuperGIS Cache Generator Now Supports STP Format January 5, 2015 at 10:09PM via Instapaper
SuperGIS Helps National Research Council of Italy to Analyze Earth System Supergeo Technologies, the global leading GIS software and solution...
Summer of Maps 2015: Now Accepting Applications for Nonprofits Applications are now open for Nonprofits seeking pro-bono GIS analysis through...
Five New GIS Tools in 2014 Last year saw the rise of the #geohipster hashtag, #maptime meetups and continued expansion...
How to: watercolor pastel style in QGIS Today’s post is a follow-up to a recent map experiment which I published...
Brainstorming: A pure .net MapGuide API Here is something that just entered into my stream of consciousness.Is it worth building...
MapGuide in 2015 (or: my unofficial todo list for 2015) Happy New Year to all my fellow readers.Things have been...
The Lost Maps of… Victoria Railway Stations are busy places and just like Airports seem to be permanent building sites...
A decade of OpenStreetMap, beautifully visualized Adding to the collection of amazing OpenStreetMap animations, the folks at Scout worked with...
Samsung's Launching a VR Streaming Service for Its Face-Phone Headset One of the biggest problems with Gear VR at launch...
Shake Shack's new fried shallots burger looks like crunchy deliciousness Shake Shack, very probably the world’s best burger chain, is...
The Novels Everyone Should Read, Based on Top Book Lists and Prizes We’ve shared our favorite productivity books and life-changing...
SuperGIS 3D Earth Server Updates with Stronger Functionality Supergeo Technologies, the global leading GIS software and solution provider, releases the...
Kickstarter Alert – Live Layer Effects for QGIS QGIS is well regarded for its fantastic cartographic abilities – it’s got...
Why Maps Matter Back in March 2014, FCW published two articles written by Frank Konkel that mentioned the HIU’s work...
Paper summarizing our tree canopy mapping approach The open access journal Remote Sensing had a recent special issue on Advances...
Top10 QGIS Planet posts 2014 It’s the end of December and time to recap 2014. Therefore, I decided to have...
Book review: 'Harmony of the Gospels with the Artwork of Carl Bloch' shares art, scriptures “Harmony of the Gospels with...