Demand for smart mapping skill sets soars in Indonesia – Several of the country’s most respected universities have signed a...
Golden Software Releases MapViewer 8 with New Map Types and User-Interface Enhancements Golden Software Releases MapViewer 8 with New Map...
Check My Flood Risk Map The Check My Flood Risk map from ShootHill is designed to increase awareness among the...
Getmapping Introduces Multiple Enhancements to its Online GIS January 14, 2015 at 05:06AM via Instapaper
Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online - now available January 13, 2015 at 05:36PM via Instapaper
GIS Cloud releases official Partners Program GIS Cloud is opening 2015 by taking the “Simple GIS” idea even further and...
Brain of Smart City: A GIS Platform for Sharing 2D and 3D Maps January 13, 2015 at 09:03AM via Instapaper...
Smart mapping technology to take STEM education to new heights State-of-the-art smart mapping technology is being used by students at...
About Antipodes Map We’ve been pretty quiet over the last year but that doesn’t mean we’ve been unoccupied. Last summer...
Announcing: MapGuide Open Source 3.0 Preview It’s that time of the year where we kick release cycle for the next...
2015: The Year of Making GIS Simple Maps are being used more than ever in history. Consumer mapping solutions like...
PostGIS funding A few people have asked how they can contribute to PostGIS work and sadly PostGIS is very disorganized...
IKEA Hack Music Visualizer Table January 11, 2015 at 11:36PM via Instapaper
Silver Jews: "Suffering Jukebox" January 11, 2015 at 11:22PM via Instapaper gizmodo/full (Gizmodo)
Open Street Map South Burlington High School Mapathon - December January 11, 2015 at 09:38PM via Instapaper
QGIS – live layer effects Kickstarter update Here’s another quick video demonstration of the latest developments in layer effects –...
Rapid 3D Mapping for Transportation Decision Support Accurate 3D measurements support numerous transportation planning and management activities, but such measurements...
Indoor Mapping and Navigation There is a huge potential market, some say for indoor mapping and navigation of public spaces....