Magical PostGIS I did a new PostGIS talk for FOSS4G North America 2015, an exploration of some of the tidbits...
Transferring a route from QGIS to your GPS In my last blog post, we created a created a 500 km continuous...
Exporting QGIS symbols as images March 20, 2015 at 06:11PM via Instapaper
QGIS atlas on non geometry tables This is proof that no matter how close you are to a project you...
Animated QGIS map canvas item Have you ever wanted to animate a QGIS map canvas item. No? Well soon you...
Serving live tiles from a QGIS project via TileStache March 20, 2015 at 06:11PM via Instapaper
Using Hy, a dialect of Lisp for Python, with QGIS So tonight I rediscovered Hy. I had seen Hy before...
Shortcuts to hide/show panels in QGIS Just a quick one to show how to assign shortcuts to hide and show...
Function editor for QGIS expressions A new feature for QGIS 2.8 is a function editor for expressions. Being able to...
Nordryggen on skis for 25 days - creating a route map I’m currently doing my last preparations for a 25...
Why Go GIS Cloud Webinar Available Online Dear GIS Cloud Community, Thank you for attending our webinar on the topic...
Ocean Business 2015 Registrations up 32% - a Record Breaking All Time High Ocean Business 2015, which takes place from...
‘Spectre’ Teaser Poster: Daniel Craig Goes for the Classic Super-Spy Turtleneck Look Here’s the first real Spectre teaser poster, featuring...
Archer by Przemyslaw Koch Przemyslaw Koch: Photos March 20, 2015 at 05:36AM via Instapaper
The FAA Will Let Amazon Drones Fly After All—But Only for Testing Just one short month ago, it looks like...
The Road to Bad Policy Is Paved By Good Intentions and Misconceived Maps One blessing/curse of Twitter has been its...
The Sound of Silence: A Noise Map of the U.S. If you are looking for some peace and quiet, the...
Proteus Delivers Habitat Maps for Four Environmental Impact Assessments Proteus will be discussing these projects in Stand W37 at the...