How Do Different Encrypted Messaging Apps Treat Deleted Messages? A feature of various end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging apps and other...
Congress Must Exercise Caution in AI Regulation Artificial intelligence technologies (AI) are all the rage in Washington D.C. these days....
Hitchhiker plants inspire improved techniques for reattaching tendon to bone For most people, getting burrs stuck on your clothes during...
To Save the News, We Must Shatter Ad-Tech The news is in trouble. It’s not just the mass closures of...
Very active minutes goal achieved! 33 minutes of activity. May 23, 2023 via Fitbit
What the Supreme Court’s Decision in Warhol Means for Fair Use The Supreme Court has issued its long-awaited decision in...
NSF Director Panchanathan speaks at University of Vermont commencement and receives honorary degree U.S. National Science Foundation Director Sethuraman Panchanathan...
Can synthetic polymers replace the body's natural proteins? Most life on Earth is based on polymers of 20 amino acids...
Mind-body connection is built into brain, study suggests Calm body, calm mind, say the practitioners of mindfulness. A new study,...
SFPD Obtained Live Access to Business Camera Network in Anticipation of Tyre Nichols Protest New documents EFF received through public...
Newly Public FISC Opinion is The Best Evidence For Why Congress Must End Section 702 A surveillance court order unsealed...
EFF to Court: California’s Public Records Law Must Remain a Check on Police Use of Drones An increasing number of...
From Past Lessons to Future Protections: EFF's Advice to the EU Commission on Extended Reality Governance EFF, in partnership with...