First Human-Sized Look At 'Ant-Man' Released It's the teaser for the teaser! Paul Rudd! Ant-Man's legs! We'll probably have even...
Crowd Cam Catches... Something We're not going to speculate. January 2, 2015 at 09:26AM via Digg
New Year's Resolutions Written in 1942, these are still words to (attempt) to live by. January 1, 2015 at 09:00PM...
Don’t Write Off ET Quite Yet It’s true that we haven’t seen alien life, but neither have we seen much...
Girl Selfie Pranks Her Brother The Same Way Over A Whole Year. He Falls For It Every Time Hey buddy,...
Disassembling The Incredibly Intricate Rolex Submariner The Submariner is an $8,000 watch. Why is it so expensive? The craftsmanship speaks...
This app tells you if you're being spied on Unbeknownst to you, your phone may be leaking data. But there’s...
Crowd Loses Its Mind As Guy Throws 17 Perfect Darts In A Row Who knew there was such an audience...
The Year's Most Awesome Photos of Space This best of the best selection includes gorgeous, spooky nebulas, impossibly beautiful galaxies,...
The Tragedy of the American Military The American public and its political leadership will do anything for the military except...
John Oliver Drops By To Ruin New Year's Eve "New Year's Eve is like the death of a pet. You...
Cracking the Sitcom Code After signing up to write a script for Croatian television, I learned that virtually all TV...
Man Is Shocked By Quality Of Gas Station Toilet It's either going to be really good or really bad... December...
Meet Lizard Squad, the hackers who ruined Christmas for gamers worldwide Vinnie Omari was still a bit drunk when he...
Watch Hundreds Of NYPD Officers Turn Their Back On Mayor de Blasio During Officer Ramos' Funeral As New York City...
Industrial Percolator Sounds Like Women's Tennis Yes, yes it does. December 26, 2014 at 09:10AM via Digg
The Islamic State is failing at being a state The Islamic State’s vaunted exercise in state-building appears to be crumbling...
U.S. Spy Agency Reports Improper Surveillance of Americans On Wednesday, the National Security Agency released reports on intelligence collection that...