Watch The First Official Trailer(s) For 'The X-Files' Revival Monday night, Fox aired two short teaser trailers for its upcoming...
Remember Your Old Graphing Calculator? It Still Costs a Fortune - Here's Why This year, high school juniors and seniors...
John Oliver Breaks Down The Many Problems Surrounding The European Refugee Crisis Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face...
It's Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren't Enough Men Out There There simply aren't enough college-educated men to...
Bible Belt Atheist In this short documentary, a former Pentecostal preacher starts a secular congregation in the heart of the...
Donald Trump Debates Donald Trump We only wish it were longer. September 26, 2015 at 10:26AM via Digg
The Art of Handling a PR Implosion Martin Shkreli’s handling of the Daraprim price inflation was, in every way, a...
Old Guy Has Amazing Dance Moves, And His Grandkids Don't Even Care If they were paying any attention, these lessons...
So, I Just Watched Star Wars for the First Time To my peers who still haven’t seen "Star Wars: Episode...
Kenan And Kel Reunite For A New 'Good Burger' Sketch On 'The Tonight Show' Jimmy Fallon and Kel Mitchell sling...
Meet Jon Ferrer, A Software Engineer At Digg Digg may seem like a cold, faceless company, but underneath the ever-shifting...
Extremely Boston Dude Can't Comprehend A Sunfish "Ohwww mai gawwwwd what tha fack is that bro?! We gawtta cawl the...
Jimmy Fallon's 'Empire' Parody Is A Dramatic Masterpiece "Jimpire" is long enough to feel like a pilot for FOX's next...
When a Bullet Enters a Body: Gun Violence as Seen by a Trauma Surgeon "In movies you always die quickly...
Colbert Demonstrates The Right Way To Interview A Politician Thankfully there's at least one pundit on TV who doesn't let...
Andy Samberg's Opening Monologue At The Emmys Was Actually Funny Award shows have been less than compelling content in recent...
Donald Trump Is Saving Our Democracy Far from destroying our democracy, he’s exposing all its phoniness and corruption in ways...
Ben Carson Says Muslims Shouldn't Be President And Islam Is Inconsistent With Constitution Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said on...