Hi people. I am in need of a 1/2" 19 drain plug for an oil resevoir on a pump. I...
3d printing
Finally got around to sharing my print of gamerguymn's Dune Organizer. I'm new to 3D printing, so this is one...
Modification of 3DPRINTINGWORLD's DS/Switch case to facilitate the holding of GBA carts, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3474587 This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4804284...
submitted by /u/RefreshBeatz to r/3Dprinting This article was first featured at https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/j0u4cv/3d_druck_sd_card_box_thiniverse/ on March 25, 2021 at 10:18AM by /u/RefreshBeatz
submitted by /u/RefreshBeatz to r/3Dprinting This article was first featured at https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/izmjov/3d_druck_headphone_holder_thiniverse_thingiverse/ on March 25, 2021 at 10:18AM by /u/RefreshBeatz
Not sure the right place to post this hope this is OK. looking for an STL file to 3D print...
Is it just me or has Thingiverse just gone from bad to way worse? The search seems to be completely...
Is it just me or has Thingiverse just gone from bad to way worse? The search seems to be completely...
Is it just me or has Thingiverse just gone from bad to way worse? The search seems to be completely...
3/21 WEEKLY WATCHLIST $SPY Predictions: M: + T: +W: ~Th: ~ F: + 🔑KEY🔑 ...
3/21 WEEKLY WATCHLIST $SPY Predictions: M: + T: +W: ~Th: ~ F: + 🔑KEY🔑 ...
🤖 418: Coffee Ready? @ramriot @Foone I have the same feelings about random plastic parts for consumer goods, e.g. An...
kamacite 2 @kamyprotected imagine 3d printing firearms like this https://t.co/JBB8K9hQj3 Quoted tweet from @thehill: North Carolina police say gun seized...
XxTENxX @Xx10xX14 @TickerSymbolYOU @ARKInvest Can’t wait. Enjoyed your commentary on future of 3d printing and flashback to ARK’s previous publications....
Gersart @gersart Starting to realize that the hassle of 3D printing miscellaneous stuff is offset by just grabbing some cardboard...
Aaron Bastani @AaronBastani Jane retweeted: There’s so much amazing stuff happening right now. How did I not hear about 3D...
Mashable @mashable me me retweeted: How an athlete with Parkinson’s inspired TikTok's 3D printing community to invent an accessible pill...
Calum Chace @cccalum Looks like the use of 3D printing to make new homes is ramping up. singularityhub.com/2021/03/19/a-c… This article...