Xavier dela Cru⚔ ✝️ 🇵🇭 @XDC87960679 @gebronson @EvolvingWar (...R&D for 3D printing of man-portable, directed, medium-range EMP pulse cannons ensues)...
3d printing
Spence3D @spence_3d Spence3D Ender3 Pro : 🖨️ I've started printing **CE3PRO_bracket2_(1).gcode**. This article was first featured at https://twitter.com/spence_3d/status/1416746767140409351 on July...
ぱいなっぷる✨🍍😊✨ @yuzubestever02 🎁#街角 #artwork 📍”White Deer”by Kohei Nawa/名和晃平’16 (First unveiled at Reborn #Art #Festival’17) 📍”System#31”by Julian Wild’16 #location:La Maison Kioi...
GrowthInvestor @MrTrustworthy Sammy Knuckles retweeted: @BrianFeroldi Let's find winners in emerging techs - 10x in 10yrs. 3D printing: $DM SPACE:...
3Dstore.tn @3Dstoretn 3Dstore.tn 3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: July 18th, 2021 dlvr.it/S3yWbp This article was first featured at https://twitter.com/3Dstoretn/status/1416756404950425608...
Louie @LuchoMadriguera Ok, so hear me out. How about a modular smartphone which has parts that can be made locally...
Stephen McCormack @Stephen21095661 SRN-3D Printing for the world This article was first featured at https://twitter.com/Stephen21095661/status/1416755730980409349 on July 18, 2021 at...
Timbers 🗽🟡 @baking_in_bfe I’m fairly new to 3D printing but figuring it out as I go. Here is a free...
Ryan Crowley @CrowleyRyan @POD_Payton The other practical problem with guns is you’ve already opened Pandora’s box and you can’t put...
Ryan Crowley @CrowleyRyan @POD_Payton The other practical problem with guns is you’ve already opened Pandora’s box and you can’t put...
Ryan Crowley @CrowleyRyan @POD_Payton The other practical problem with guns is you’ve already opened Pandora’s box and you can’t put...
Dougie Fresh @dougefresh51 If you're high on the future of 3D printing, $MKFG has to be on your radar. Long...
Dougie Fresh @dougefresh51 If you're high on the future of 3D printing, $MKFG has to be on your radar. Long...
Dougie Fresh @dougefresh51 If you're high on the future of 3D printing, $MKFG has to be on your radar. Long...
ForceBiomedical @forcebiomedical Workshop Alert!! Special Discounts to FORCE Biomedical members. ----------------------------------------- ♦️ *3D GRAPHY WORKSHOP – 3D PRINTING FOR ORTHOPAEDICS...
Buzz the Grumpy Old Wombat 🇦🇺 @Grumpyoldwombat I was asked if I wanted to get into 3D printing. I said...
The3DPrinter.com @3dprint3r Metal 3D Printing without supports | Metal3DPrinting.com | #Metal3DPrinter | #Metal3DPrinting | lnkd.in/g2-S7PS This article was first featured...
The3DPrinter.com @3dprint3r Metal 3D Printing without supports | Metal3DPrinting.com | #Metal3DPrinter | #Metal3DPrinting | lnkd.in/g2-S7PS This article was first featured...