Heyy I'm studying archeology and i just started thinking about maps while studying. Is there a site or someplace where...
Realizado en Qgis submitted by /u/odisdca
Realizado en Qgis submitted by /u/odisdca
Picture 1: Normal italy flag map. Picture 2: flag map of great italy in my opinion. Picture 3: flag map...
submitted by /u/xKiwiNova
submitted by /u/xKiwiNova
submitted by /u/Feeling_Kindly
submitted by /u/ElephantLament
submitted by /u/Feeling_Kindly
Forest cover map of Italy using data from 2019.by @researchremora
Do you guys keep a map of all the places you've been to in the world? I started doing it...
submitted by /u/PoiHolloi2020
submitted by /u/PoiHolloi2020
Colonization of Mars (2030s-2040s) - Humans establish the first permanent settlement on Mars, with initial bases focusing on scientific research...