Amid heartbreaking tales of shortages and price gouging, South Carolina’s ZVerse pivoted to tackle the crisis and is on track...
3D Printing
Amid heartbreaking tales of shortages and price gouging, South Carolina’s ZVerse pivoted to tackle the crisis and is on track...
Inspiration came from: who was inspired by the original Montana mask: Really liked @MrDWGraf's but wanted more space...
Hi, I am making a 3D Printable Fantasy Props collection, this is one of the model of the collection. There...
Source Code for Arduino Basic Info Nozzle size : 0.4mm Filament diameter : 1.75mm Detail Settings Layer Height :...
This is version v2 with a bigger cube body. I designed this XYZ Axis/Plane helper for a friend (you know...
LocoRico shares: Brio to duplo plate adapter. Designed to be print without support. Designed with Freecad : source file
Clip to create a basic face shield specialy designed for small 3D printers and fast printing. Fell free to modify...
A design based making the prusa design more efficient in printing time and material. This design also includes a template...
A design based making the prusa design more efficient in printing time and material. This design also includes a template...
From designing face shields and flat-pack intensive care units to 3D-printing hands-free door levers and converting buildings to hospitals, architects and designers are...
fjkraan shares: This is a minimal tray for the Raspberry Pi 1 B+ to 4. It is made to actually...
asic Info Nozzle size : 0.4mm Filament diameter : 1.75mm Detail Settings Layer Height : 0.2mm Wall Thickness : 1.2mm...
New Perspective on Face Shield Production As healthcare workers are facing a shortage of supplies, including protective face masks; we,...
New Perspective on Face Shield Production As healthcare workers are facing a shortage of supplies, including protective face masks; we,...
New Perspective on Face Shield Production As healthcare workers are facing a shortage of supplies, including protective face masks; we,...
Basic Info Nozzle size : 0.4mm Filament diameter : 1.75mm Detail Settings Layer Height : 0.2mm Wall Thickness : 1.2mm...
Geodask shares: I have included fusion 360 f3d file. It’s a parametric model, so you can use the included schematic...