Is it just me or has Thingiverse just gone from bad to way worse? The search seems to be completely...
3D Printing
🤖 418: Coffee Ready? @ramriot @Foone I have the same feelings about random plastic parts for consumer goods, e.g. An...
kamacite 2 @kamyprotected imagine 3d printing firearms like this Quoted tweet from @thehill: North Carolina police say gun seized...
XxTENxX @Xx10xX14 @TickerSymbolYOU @ARKInvest Can’t wait. Enjoyed your commentary on future of 3d printing and flashback to ARK’s previous publications....
Gersart @gersart Starting to realize that the hassle of 3D printing miscellaneous stuff is offset by just grabbing some cardboard...
Aaron Bastani @AaronBastani Jane retweeted: There’s so much amazing stuff happening right now. How did I not hear about 3D...
Mashable @mashable me me retweeted: How an athlete with Parkinson’s inspired TikTok's 3D printing community to invent an accessible pill...
Calum Chace @cccalum Looks like the use of 3D printing to make new homes is ramping up.… This article...
Melissa BakerLhermit @melissabak3 Affordable housing: Could 3D-printing be a solution?… via @wef This article was first featured at
Traderico 🔕 @Traderico86 🚨 3️⃣ 💢 ARK 💢 عبارة عن مجموعة من الصناديق، وكل صندوق يهتم بمجالات معينة، وداخل كل...
B_Hen @RudyBoi88 China done bought up every Grain of rice and soybean in the world. Why y’all think they 3D...
nini @jaeminschuu my favorite ones are movie setting recreations and ones that focus on like grand fantasy elements like huge...
Oskitone @oskitone Casey Desmond retweeted: I wrote a lot of words about the new Oskitone APC, its history with the...
wendy hutton @wghutton A Great 3D Printing Website with a great #giveaway Check it out don't miss the how-to sections!...
BCN3D Technologies @bcn3dtech Have you checked the first #WomensMonth perspective? @nora3dp has dedicated her career to inclusiveness in the #3Dprinting...
Eli @elidarrow BitFreedom 🦠 retweeted: If you don’t think you need guns, ammo and training, you don’t understand history. If...
Marie Donelly @PleasureEthics A phrase which has been used all weak in training, 'cross - contamination', prevent it. Easier said...
Abdullah Wreikat @AWrikat @TESLAcharts If Tesla was about 3D printing cars then I would agree with #ark and would be...