Apologies for the ugly markdown look. Hopefully they will fix that bug. At least it didn't just remove all of...
3D Printing
Apologies for the ugly markdown look. Hopefully they will fix that bug. At least it didn't just remove all of...
Apologies for the ugly markdown look. Hopefully they will fix that bug. At least it didn't just remove all of...
Ideally, the reason you print something like this is to check machine calibration and to tune your slicer profile. This...
We would like to have a special (PDF) file converted to a Word file (Budget: $25 - $50 USD, Jobs:...
We would like to have a special (PDF) file converted to a Word file (Budget: $25 - $50 USD, Jobs:...
3DPrinting #Warhammer #40k WATCH THE RELATED YOUTUBE VIDEO HERE:https://youtu.be/XaKHZKdUpFA These are for those who like the Halo/Starwars looking troopers, but...
I need someone to copy information from some websites. (Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR, Jobs: 3D Printing, A/V editing, Accounting,...
3DPrinting #Warhammer #40k WATCH THE RELATED YOUTUEB VIDEO HERE:https://youtu.be/XaKHZKdUpFA These are for those who like the Halo/Starwars looking troopers, but...
3DPrinting #Warhammer #40k WATCH THE RELATED YOUTUEB VIDEO HERE:https://youtu.be/XaKHZKdUpFA These are for those who like the Halo/Starwars looking troopers, but...
Be Safe !! Enjoy My Print =) I was inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7tHSVughGA&t=129s https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/34951038/hygiene-hand-antimicrobial-brass-edc-door-opener-and-stylus?ref=project_link Happy Printing- Buck ( B3D ) This...
Be Safe !! Enjoy My Print =) I was inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7tHSVughGA&t=129s https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/34951038/hygiene-hand-antimicrobial-brass-edc-door-opener-and-stylus?ref=project_link Happy Printing- Buck ( B3D ) This...
Walmart has the XYZprinting da Vinci Mini Wireless 3D Printer for $189.95. You will also get free shipping on this...
This is a extra strip of ties/sleepers for placing under track joints or filling in missing ties when laying track...
ENGLISH PROFASTER (french acronym for sterilizable face shield) is a face shield system designed to be fast to print (14'),...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDmFOnY_-Zw&feature=youtu.be 本次作品為神奇寶貝的神奇寶貝球,運用SolidWorks簡易指令搭配曲面建模來完成,分幾種常見的精靈球、超級球、高級球、大師球、紀念球、時間球、GS球,至於各種球種的功能解說就不再討論內,因此就沒有說明了。 3D列印當中圓球形的物件我認為是滿高難度的,想要印的漂亮真的是非常不容易,因此我選擇了拆件方式來克服,會比印整顆還要來的漂亮,且不用嘗試太多設定參數,檔案也有分享供下載,可以給有興趣人參考看看。 上色部分就不會太困難了,只要有基礎的筆塗技巧都能完成這一道工序,要注意的地方就是配色了,因為這裡配色決定一切,像不像好不好看就取決於配色是否正確;黑底色真的是不意外非常難塗,我大約塗了快20層了還是不滿意呢,看似可以節省塗黑色時間反而花更多時間塗黃色上去,因此建議這顆高級球的可以考慮印白色在塗黑色跟黃色喔。 寶貝球真的是很可愛,相信喜歡的人甚至會蒐集一整系列的,其實我本來也想製作整系列的,但是種類實在太多了而且冷門也很多,因此這次選幾種比較常見的來製作,不過還好我只選七種製作,這真的比我想像中還要花時間處理。 This work is a Pokemon ball of Pokemon. It is completed with SolidWorks simple instructions...
For a couple weeks, our makerspace has been printing PPE for local doctors and front line workers. We quickly fell...
Hello and welcome to the openBulletFeeder (OBF) project! Please read the thing instructions below! HELP can be found here! Thanks...