My new jigsaw was missing the vaccum hose adapter. There exists a replacement part for this but I found this too expensive since it is an ideal application for 3d printing. The aluminium foot of the jigsaw has a chanel through which this flat prfile can be fed. Initially it printed this with PLA but it was hard to get in there and if it was in the backpart was too rigid to comply this the vaccum hole movements and broke easily. That is why I switched to TPU.
The photos do not show the final design since to taped up features already work for me. The current design very integrates these initially so it should fit right away. If not feel free to adjust the fusion design and share.
Because this prints standing upright I integrated a small section of support material at the noses which provide the clip in fixation. Those need to be cut away with pliers.
The adapter is for Vaccum hoses with an 30mm inner diameter which should be common in household vaccums. The adapter might also fit other Bosch GST models but I have not tried them jet.
This article was first featured at on April 8, 2020 at 06:04AM by trpfry
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