March 10, 2025

Ø22MM 1F to 4M, 3M, or 2M: Manifold for Ventilator ISO5356-1


UPDATE 5: 1 to 2- 22mm Manifold added. Also suit of parts. Still can’t get “3 to 1” to preview on Thingiverse – any tips???


project open air #projectopenair

Project open source ventilator #opensourceventilator

2 from one ventilator manifold: 22mm-Ventilator-1F2M-Manifold-print-upwards-Groove-B.stl

3 from one ventilator manifold: 22mm-Ventilator-1F3M-Manifold-print-upwards-Groove-B.stl

(+ 1 variant for NO GROOVES)

4 from one ventilator manifold: 22mm-Vent-Manifold-print-upwards-Groove-B.stl

(+ 1 variant for NO GROOVES)

Ø22 female to 4 Ø22male

Ø22 female to 3 Ø22male

Ø22 female to 2 Ø22male

Zero support material

Feedback welcome – FEEDBACK NEEDED!!!

I have no access to medical equipment, so I’ve designed this blind, if you have information or suggestions for improvement please let me know and I will update / re-release.

Please use medical or food grade for printing, but whatever you have to hand may be needed.

I’ve used similar methods for printing female ports at the base, but this is the first Male at the base.

This is 100% open source – use it if its good for you, redesign, remix, change sizes, modify or ask if I can modify for you, I’ll help if I can.


UK Gov has f’ed up and I’m hoping we can stop their negligence becoming a catastrophe. Here’s their guidance.


Based on an idea discussed in this academic paper


by Richard Siderits and Gregory Neyman of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Hamilton, USA.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0300957207005825 – Adult Sheep were put on a single ventilator with similar designs.


One question was asked: “Is flow metering needed?” / “How does it handle different lung Capacity?” – From an engineering point of view, if a unrestricted system has a pressure relief valve, all areas of the system will reach the same pressure before the pressure release valve vents the system, a naturally balanced system of accumulators. However ventilators need some matching of the Pressures needed.

It can be done.

I just want to help people through this.

Here’s a statement I read yesterday, from a Paramedic:

“Yesterday my patient died. The doctors had to choose between 3 patients who would get the ITU bed. They only had one ventilator left. My patient missed out because of her age. She would have normally had a good chance of survival. This is the reality everywhere. #stayhome”

Feedback welcome in comments.

Other items in Version 3 of this range include:
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1293282 -22mm PVC Pipeweld T-Piece
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:689782 -22mm PVC Pipeweld X-Piece
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4241654 -22mm PVC Pipeweld 90°-Piece

Also a shout out to maker @jbrzensk who recreated the original Manifold referenced in the academic paper, here’s his file: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4232386

UPDATE 5: 1 to 2- 22mm Manifold added. Also suit of parts.

UPDATE 4: 1 to 3 Male Manifold added, Updates moved to bottom of list.,

UPDATE 3: OVERHANG NOTICED- Due to Groove, now available as No Groove Version and Grove Version (with support rib) Also put branding and Cable Tie Holes on the ribs. UPDATE 2: Try the Upwards one, new added.

UPDATE: Now dimensionally compliant to ISO 5356-1. Clip ring to be added once fit is confirmed

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3bnkEDl on April 6, 2020 at 06:03PM by bathrobotics

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