January 11, 2025

Macron declares EU and Schengen should tighten border controls over coronavirus outbreak – Express by

Macron declares EU and Schengen should tighten border controls over coronavirus outbreak – Express –


  1. Macron declares EU and Schengen should tighten border controls over coronavirus outbreak  Express
  2. Macron’s party losing hope of big gains in local elections across France  Telegraph.co.uk
  3. Coronavirus panic means France may CLOSE its borders as it battles ‘worst health crisis in a century’  The Sun
  4. Macron declares EU and Schengen should tighten border controls over coronavirus outbreak  Express
  5. France’s Macron defies coronavirus lockdown with elections  BBC News
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

This information appeared first at https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiemh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV4cHJlc3MuY28udWsvbmV3cy91ay8xMjU0OTIyL0ZyYW5jZS1jb3JvbmF2aXJ1cy1sYXRlc3QtZW1tYW51ZWwtbWFjcm9uLWV1LWJvcmRlci1jb250cm9sLVNjaGVuZ2VuLWFyZWEtdHJhdmVs0gF-aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXhwcmVzcy5jby51ay9uZXdzL3VrLzEyNTQ5MjIvRnJhbmNlLWNvcm9uYXZpcnVzLWxhdGVzdC1lbW1hbnVlbC1tYWNyb24tZXUtYm9yZGVyLWNvbnRyb2wtU2NoZW5nZW4tYXJlYS10cmF2ZWwvYW1w?oc=5

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