Orem firefighters battle blaze at Geneva Pipe –Adobe Stock image
OREM — Firefighters battled a fire at Geneva Pipe for several hours Saturday evening, which a fire official said may have been started by a generator low on water.
According to Orem Fire Battalion Chief Shaun Hirst, the fire spread to the roof of the building at 1465 W. 400 North. Multiple agencies responded to the fire, Hirst said.
The plant was closed on Saturday so there was no one in the building when the fire broke out, Hirst said, and there were no injuries.
Residents in the area reported seeing large amounts of dark smoke was visible several miles from the plant.
No estimate on damages was immediately available.
This information appeared first at https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/2/15/21139591/geneva-pipe-fire-cause-orem-firefighters
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