February 27, 2025

Need feedback on displaying tabs with icons

Actually we’re building the gis application for Police Department.
I have a widget called “Camera” and in that widget, we’ve added multiple camera locations as per their geo-ids.

The camera widget will create a new TAB, with the CALL NUMBER (for e.g. MP190020020) as theenter image description here title, and a subtitle (for e.g. Man w/Gun) and will be the ACTIVE Tab.

Users can navigate between tabs. “Pinning” a tab prevents the tab from being replaced by the system when a new buffer is created – If it is pinned, the next System Tab will display to the left between “Pinned Tabs” and Default Tab” with other four icons

I’ve given two options.

In the first options pinned icon and close icon are placed on the tab – But the difficulty in click/Call to action.

In the second options, the other four icons are shown as a drop-down menu. – but not looks perfect.

So share me some good options with better usability for placement of pinned and close icon.enter image description here

enter image description here

This information was first published on https://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/131393/need-feedback-on-displaying-tabs-with-icons

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