February 24, 2025

Sapphire Pro Hemera Mount


Use with caution. This one is a bit rough but it works. This is designed for the newer style carriage. I’ve used a lot of different sources and much of it is not my sole design. Please follow the links to their work! Credit goes largely to them.

User Hangtight provided the majority of the design especially for the fan shroud.

User Allot for his BLTouch mount and spacer

User plocky2k for his end stop offset which i modified to keep the nozzle on the bed.

With this design you will not have to mess with the belts default way of attaching to the carriage but you may need to run your zip-ties from the inside so the bigger nubs to hit the mounting plates. I would like to design in a little more play for the fan to be adjusted up and down. I used inserts on the front plate to attache the blower fan with two M4 x 25mm bots. They were a bit long but 20mm was too short. Size the spacer for the BLTouch for you needs. I have not actually hooked mine up yet but will soon. Adjust you bed size to about 190 in the x and 205 in the y.

I printed it in PETG with 50% infill. Seems really solid.

Good luck and enjoy.

Again, use with caution i am no Michelangelo when come to either 3d printing or fusion 360.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2tceR30 on January 30, 2020 at 06:22PM by Kodisan

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