February 23, 2025

Replacement frame for MSW “Selfie” Bike Mirror


I recently crashed my bike and broke the plastic bracket for my MSW “Selfie” handlebar mirror. Typically, a bike mirror is junk after a crash because the mirror shatters. The MSW mirror is made from metal, which makes it worth salvaging.

The replacement part is designed for 3D printing, meaning that I increased the thickness of all the walls compared to the original injection-molded part. After four prototype iterations, the final replacement mirror bracket STL part should fit with all of the original MSW pieces, including the plastic handlebar mount, the metal mirror and the plastic mirror backing plate. The mirror backing plate should snap into place. I found that hot-glueing a little scrap of foam padding to the inside of the mirror backing gave the mirror a tighter fit. You might also try a little piece of double-sided foam tape.


MSW Bicycle Accessories

RVM-210 Selfie Handlebar Mirror

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2RnWgJp on January 16, 2020 at 02:39PM by tprestero

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