February 24, 2025

Check Out This GameCube Joy-Con Nintendo Switch Mod


The Nintendo Switch has given us a lot, a great hybrid model for future Nintendo consoles/handhelds along with just a huge library of fantastic games. But certain things we expected to see on the system just never materialized. Those include legacy Nintendo GameCube games as well as more creative takes on the modular Joy-Con controller idea. All we got were NES/SNES games and a few third-party Joy-Con with D-pads or Daemon X Machina hand grips.

Shank Mods on YouTube got tired of waiting and decided to do what Nintendon’t. Check out these awesome GameCube Joy-Con modded controllers for Nintendo Switch.

As the video details, creating this controller took a lot more than sawing a Wavebird in half. That was only the beginning. The larger wireless controller had the extra space needed to shove Joy-Con components in. But from there it still took Shank Mods months of scanning, 3D printing and modeling, carving, sanding, and reaching out to other members of the modding community for help. They also had to account for Joy-Con particularities like digital triggers, clicking sticks, extra buttons, HD rumble, and motion controls. So don’t expect to make (or buy) this for yourself.

However, at least we can all appreciate looking at the finished product. The GameCube Joy-Con slot onto an original Switch or a custom centerpiece that essentially makes them a Wavebird again. And they’re compatible with all Switch games, including Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for those of you who can only play that game that way. For more on Nintendo Switch here are some cool games to play on the Nintendo Switch Lite, which you unfortunately can’t slot these GameCube Joy-Con onto.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3a8klMH on January 13, 2020 at 11:44AM by Jordan Minor

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