February 24, 2025

[Country] Map 60 – National Fairy Republic – December 28, 2019 at 10:48PM

Hi all, and happy holidays!

I have finally figured out what kind of map I want to make for GuildWorld, and the story it will tell. Sadly, I don’t have an actual map to show – not even a WIP – and I’m not likely to get one soon, what with studies and commissions and all, so treat this thread as a placeholder for now 🙂

Anyway, allow me to introduce you all to: the National Republic of Fairyland!

We’ve all heard the stories about fairyland. When we were children, we would be told about the kingdom of endless twilight, the enchanted forests and golden fields. We would hear about the ethereal beauty and mystery of this land’s inhabitants, the grandeur of its tree-bound cities, and the gentle hum of magic that lies beneath it all. And we would hear about the royal court of the fairies, presided over by the eternal fairy queen, most beautiful of them all.

The kingdom of fairyland is one of the oldest in all of Guildworld, and claims a connection between tradition and magic like few others. But that kingdom has ceased to exist. It was ended on the night the Wings of Pride party seized control of the capital. It was ended when the fairy queen herself, and all her courtiers, faced the firing squads. It was ended on the night when Fairyland burnt, and the National Fairy Republic was born.

Under the rule of Commander Elyon Adroris XII, the Wings of Power have established a new regime, and brought all of Fairyland under their control. Their slogan is “Tradition is our strength. Magic is our power.” Sporadic resistance in the early days has been crushed, and replaced by the ever-present surveillance of the Sylvar, the new government’s secret police. Dissenters are imprisoned or disappear. Oaths of loyalty are sworn to the Wings of Pride, fairy children are required to join the Young Wings, and all able-bodied adults are pressed into national service in the fairy army, the Vulluin.

Watch out GuildWorld: the fairies are coming!


If it isn’t apparent from that description, let me make it even clearer: GuildWorld is now home to fascist fairies! I think this is especially bad news for my neighbours: MistyBeee, Neyasha, Jaxilon and Ladiestorm

Oh, and I’m thinking that this country must have some connection to Chashio’s Fey Country, but I haven’t figured it out yet. When I do, I’ll update the story 🙂


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