March 10, 2025

I’ve worked really hard on this concept for the past few days and I really wanted to share so this is The Natural Kingdoms Of Malynthia! (Check the caption for more info on the kingdoms, the map is currently unfinished and only added for context) – April 21, 2023 at 04:59AM


Tirna (Tear-nah). Known as the kingdom of crystal due to the mountain ranges that span the entire country, each range holding different minerals that Tirna is known for. Rather than regional districts, as the other kingdoms are split into, Tirna is divided by the mountain ranges. In the south, against the border to Siton, is the Crystal Quartz Sierra range. This range is filled with clear quartz crystal caves and geodes, harder than class and just as cloudless. These caves and mines are where Tirna made it’s fortune. At the foot of these mountains lays the city of Duncaster. Duncaster supplies the miners in the two rangers west and north of it but is also well-known for the workhorses of Duncaster, the most well-trained, sturdy, and loyal horses in all of Malynthia. Due to Duncaster’s proximity to the border, most people of nobility in Siton have Duncaster horses. Just east of Duncaster, in a small valley, lays Mossley Lake. Mossley Lake is fed from the Arion river, which runs through Siton, as well as underground hot springs. Tirna has many hot springs across her mountain ranges but Massley Lake is by far the largest and most well-known. Moving north lies Moonstone Range. Moonstone Range cuts the country in half, the only way to pass through being mines and tunnels rather than a natural pass that most ranges have. Moonstone Range has very few people in it, only a sparse few villages hidden in the peaks. Moonstone Range is named so for all of the colored crystals in it’s depths. Amethyst, aventurine, rose quartz, jasper, citrine, smoky quartz, etc. Every cave is unique and every mountain is named for the crystals it houses. Once you pass through Moonstone Range, you reach Annalise Strait, a large river that flows in from the western shore and cuts into a size-able part of Tirna. Along the river lies the capitol city of Erstonia, where the royal family lives. Erstonia is known for the metalsmiths and jewelers that sell to nobility and export their goods to the rest of Malynthia. Nestled between the Moonstone Range and Silver-Snow Mountains puts them in the perfect position for a constant supply of beautiful crystal and steel. Speaking of which, due north of Erstonia lies that largest mountain range in Tirna, The Silver-Snow Mountains. Here, iron and silver are prevalent and widespread. Every mountain is mined and these mountains are Malynthia’s greatest supply of metal. Occasionally gold ore is also found here but it is not nearly as common as the silver or iron is. At the northernmost tail end of Silver-Snow lies the most famous mountain in all of Malynthia, Mount Kedd. Tirna has many dormant volcanoes throughout the land but Mount Kedd is the only one still active. At the foot of Mount Kedd lies the busiest city of Tirna, Beckton. Beckton is known for it’s blacksmiths as every forge in the city is heated by Mount Kedd’s steam vents and small fissures where magma flows out. Beckton steel is famous for being the strongest forged steel in all of Malynthia and an honor is placed upon those who wield Beckton weapons. Tirna was formed as the first of the three countries to break away from Malynthia due to the poor conditions the miners were under. The miners formed a coup together and ultimately formed Tirna as an independent country, run by miners for the sake of miners. Tirna instantly become successful when the Crystal Quartz Sierra was discovered to be a treasure trove of clear quartz which then made the country extremely wealthy. Tirna has some amount of class divide but not much due to the wealth of the country as a whole and the fact that most of the population are miners or smithies of some kind. There is no shame in holding these professions in Tirna, where there may be stigma in Siton of Hylenia. Tirna’s class divide mostly resides in Erstonia, where all of the noble families live and operate. Some see mining or smithing as a lowly job but wouldn’t dare disrespect them due to the nations heritage and heritage. Tirna is also known for it’s equality between men and women. There is no gender basis in their crown title, it simply goes to the eldest legitimate child of the king or queen. These two factors mean the only real bias or prejudice in Tirna is against age or disability. It is seen as a disgrace to be unable to work for the country, so the elderly or disabled are often not held in high regard. Those not yet of a working age are also not very respected by the general population as they do not contribute. The working class being held in high regard has in turn had an opposing effect for those who don’t or can’t work unless they are of noble birth.

Hylenia (High-lee-nee-uh). Known as the seafarers kingdom, as Hylenia is an island nation that respects and journeys the surrounding sea often. The entire economy of the nation is based in the marine ventures Hylenia delves into. Hylenia, simiarly to Siton, is split into four regions. The first and most southerly being Irragin. Irragin is mostly marshland and as such, is known for the paper mills that form papyrus reeds into paper. Irragin is also the home of Hylenia’s capitol city, Skystead. Skystead holds the reputation of the artist’s paradise as it rests not far from the coast and holds not one but two colleges dedicated to the arts. One for poets and songwriters, another for tapestry and painting. North past Irragin is Kelna, a region of mostly tropical flatland. Kelna is home to the carpenters of Hylenia who produce the fleets ships and fishermen’s boats for the kingdom. Kelna also has the most docks of the entire country despite having no cities and this has recently caused an issue for Hylenia as Kelna’s eastern shores are plagued by pirates. North of Kelna rests Craydon. Craydon is primarily jungle and is home to the only other city of Hylenia, Aynor. In Aynor is where the military of Hylenia are houses and trained. Hylenia, by far, has the largest military of the three kingdoms and here in Aynor is where they all reside. Finally, north of Craydon is the small region of Galsop. Galsop shared Craydon’s jungles in the southern part of the peninsula but becomes sweeping beach around the shores. But the peninsula is actually the smallest part of Galsop, as Galsop is mostly made up of The Everton Archipelago, a circular group of islands that encircle a large lagoon just off the northern tip of Hylenia. In Everton Cove is where the fishermen do their work, providing the nation’s food and largest export. Everton Cove also produces pearls just as plentifully as the fish, high quality and beautiful jewels that also contribute heavily to Hylenia’s economy. Hylenia was second to break away from Malynthia, following Tirna’s lead when realizing that the working conditions for the fishermen and sailors on the island were equally poor. Hylenia had an easier time receeding than Tirna did due to being an independent island and was much more peaceful that Tirna’s rebellion had been. Hylenia’s departure caused Siton to become it’s own country as well. Hylenia is also a Matriarchy and the only of the countries to have a queen during the story.

Siton (Sigh-Ton). Known by most as the sun kingdom because of the wide sweeping plains in the center of the country, the region called Kynally, which is known for lush summers and rich farmland. Kynally is also where the capitol city of Solaris resides, where the famed Kingsguard Of Siton go to train and work. Also in Kynally is the city of Caershire, a city that lays on the coast and not far from a major river. The city is known for it’s trading opportunities and it often much busier than the capitol city. Siton is also known well for it’s other two regions. In the north is Willsden, where a large mountain range scatters the coast and encircles a large valley. In said valley, the villages of Willsden lie. These mountains are covered in trees and forest, so the villages in Willsden are full of lumberers and wood-mills. Then to the south lies Cetopia. Cetopia is primarily composed of the dense and dark Windermere forest. Trees sweep for as far as the eye can see and the vegetation grows thick and lush. Only three villages are scattered through Cetopia and they are largely self-sufficient due to the seclusion the forests create. Within Cetopia’s village, there is a tradition. Every family sends their eldest son into the wildest parts of Windermere where he must find his way to The Aethon. An old and decrepit castle ruin that has been refurbished and is now the home of The Rangers Of Cetopia. Every ranger trains here before taking their oath and they then spend the remainder of their lives wandering the wilds of Siton and protecting the people in what ways they can. Occasionally, a family has no sons to give and will send a daughter in his stead. The women in the rangers are regarded and respected amongst Cetopia but when journeying into the other regions, they are often faced with disrespect as it is uncommon to see shieldmaidens or swordswomen in other parts of the country. Siton’s class division is stark in the cities but rather lax when in the villages. Most peasants or townsfolk do pay little mind to titles outside of royalty or those with a reputation, such as the Kingsguard and the rangers. Siton was the last of the three countries to operate independently when Malynthia began to split. Siton was left to pick up the pieces and operate as normal. A few generations of tension passed before a king of Siton proposed a peace treaty between the three kingdoms in which they all agreed to.

The conflict of this story is based in political tension when someone breaks the treaty and how it effects several different characters from each country, each on different levels of the totem pole as an exploration of class and power structure within three neighboring kingdoms. The idea is still barely there and mostly just a semi-built world but I wanted to share cause I’ve worked my ass off on it.

submitted by /u/ShieldSister27
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