March 12, 2025

[Paid] Resettled Ruined city Map set in Golarion – March 27, 2023 at 10:49PM

[Paid] Resettled Ruined city Map set in Golarion – March 27, 2023 at 10:49PM
In a previous campaign a few characters resettled a ruined metropolis that had been abandoned for 10’000 years. I plan to run a adventure based in the city, (after eight years of reconstruction and repair). This city is set in Golarion, (Pathfinder), but sadly does not have a map. I have decided to see if i could get together with an artist and create the city proper.

The city is called Bilith-Vel and is/was dedicated to Acavna, god of defensive warfare and the moon. The city was famous for its interconnected skyscrapers, though I’m not certain how we could represent that. Pathfinder has a fairly low detail approach to their city maps, and i am not against following that module as well. I have put together a rough jumping off sketch, but i find myself unable to capture the scale of what I’m after, the city should be several miles across. I tried to emulate a Star fortress style, though i admit to a poor understanding of the wall style. I’d be willing to switch to a normal wall if you think it looks better. Also, the wall came second, so the city in the center is not really laid out with it’s presence in mind (it’s a bit blocky) so we would need to spread the city out a bit.

As for payment, i will work with you on that. I have a healthy budget and am sure i can cover the cost. The timeline is reasonably loose, a few months to whatever you need. I can’t start the adventure until i have this, but we are currently working our way through book 4 of an adventure already. So we have a good amount of time. I am looking for something approximating pathfinders city map art style though it doesn’t have to be exact. I will do my best to answer any questions you have, and i will include references below.

Attached Thumbnails


Click image for larger version.       Name: g45t4.PNG    Views: N/A    Size: 1.03 MB    ID: 135532


Click image for larger version.       Name: Artstyle example.jpg    Views: N/A    Size: 979.4 KB    ID: 135533


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