January 24, 2025

Need help with my world map. – February 20, 2023 at 08:30PM

Hey. I’m working on a world map for my own uses in a story/ttrpg.

I’ve been using the book “A Magical Society: Guide to Mapping”. I’ve gotten most of the steps done, but I’m having trouble with the climate zones/biomes of it. I’m hoping someone familiar with the book or is knowledgeable about how climate zones are formed will be able to help me map the zones in the most realistic ways.

If you can and are interested in helping me out, DM me and I can share the basic maps I’ve made thus far. One with the water currents(also willing to take criticism about them too if they aren’t realistic), and one with the air currents as well. Hope someone is able to help me out.

submitted by /u/Glitchy201
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