March 12, 2025

This Map Shows the Biggest Companies in Every Country on the Globe – January 27, 2023 at 11:46AM

Have you ever wondered what the biggest company in every country around the world is? Well wonder no more as the team at WyomingLLCAttorney created a world map that highlights the biggest companies in ninety different countries all around the world. The biggest company in each country was chosen based on its market cap, which is another way to say the total value of a company’s share of stocks. The biggest company in the United States, and not to mention the biggest company in the world, is Apple which has an unbelievable market value of $2.64 trillion! According to the WyomingLLCAttorney team, two other major tech companies are in second and third place for biggest companies in the US. Microsoft’s market value is $2.05 trillion and Alphabet, aka Google’s parent company, has a value of $1.58 trillion. How have tech companies fared across the rest of the world in terms of being the country’s biggest company? Not that well, surprisingly. Only three other countries were found to have tech companies as their largest: Netherlands, South Korea, and Taiwan. The biggest company in the Netherlands is ASML Holding and has a market value of $247.80; Samsung is the largest company in South Korea with a market value of $367.26 billion. Taiwan’s biggest company is Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and is valued at $494.40; it is also the biggest company in Asia. If tech companies only make up a small portion of the biggest companies across the world, then what industries do most of these companies hail from? Thanks to the map being color coded by industry it’s easy to see that two industries make up a large portion of the biggest companies in the world: banking and energy. Twenty-four countries have a company that falls under the banking industry and twenty-three with an energy company as their most valuable company. Were you surprised to see that another industry was under-represented on the list of the biggest companies in the world, by country?

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