December 29, 2024

Why is it so difficult to find a detailed (interactive) map of US Congressional Districts, with cities and/or counties? – January 17, 2023 at 01:42PM

Representative districts in the US are largely a joke due to how much gerrymandering goes on when they’re drawn, but maps that show those incredibly squiggly lines are useless without any information on the map. Is one supposed to imagine? What would be excellent is if there were a public Google Maps layer of the districts.

Even the authority on partisan index, Cook Political Report, has no info on their otherwise fascinating map. Sure, if I hover over TX-35, a pop-up will tell me that Lloyd Doggett represents “parts of San Antonio and Austin” across his stupidly narrow stripe of a district, but one cannot even make out the municipal demarcations of major cities because the districts are drawn so screwy. https://www.cookpolitical.com/cook-pvi/2022-partisan-voting-index/district-map-and-list

submitted by /u/Delicious_Adeptness9
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