January 1, 2025

is komoot good for japan for bikepacking and hiking? can someone with the world map or premium subscription tell me if there is much user generated content in japan that could help me to find good cool spontaneous hikes/bikeroutes? – October 16, 2022 at 11:11PM

Hi i heard navigation in japan with komoot sucks and i should use google maps

so i wondered: can I at least find with komoot cool good user generated content for cool hikes or bikeroutes in japan? should i buy the world pack, or subscribe to premium?

can someone who has the world pack or premium look for me at japan and tell me if there is much user generated content? because i’ll bikepack through Japan, and I want to spontaneously find cool hikes on my way and do them

thanks a lot!!

btw is maybe ridewithgps or strava a better option?

submitted by /u/pizzavegano to r/komoot
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