January 23, 2025

Looking for a color Mercator projection map; either online or through a commission – September 27, 2022 at 11:26PM

Looking for a color Mercator projection map; either online or through a commission

Hi all,

I’m currently making a game that uses real-world geographic data, I created a height map of the world and amplified it, making a flat surface, before smashing it down to a reasonable size. This map was done using a Mercator projection map. I however have no idea how to get good colors for the map. The issues preventing this are the following, 1. I suck at art so I can’t make it myself, 2. I can’t find a good high-resolution color Mercator projection map, and 3. I (for the sake of the game) cut out some key landmass. The image attached is the world map with my terrible color job (forgive the random white in South America). My question is if anyone here has an idea of where I could find or commission a map that matches mine, that’s high res, and have the ability to edit (to take out the landmass not there. Thanks for any and all help/ideas. My Gratitude!

Top Down view of world map currently being used

Perspective view of world map currently being used

submitted by /u/JFootFace
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