March 12, 2025

[Paid] Greyscale continent map for novel commision – July 27, 2022 at 09:55AM

[Paid] Greyscale continent map for novel commision – July 27, 2022 at 09:55AM

I am looking to hire a cartographer to produce a greyscale map for my novel. Attached are a few plates that I have labored over , but truth be told, I am no cartographer. (The inkarnate plate was the first permutation of the continent Fracas on the planet Guf.)

Right now I need to focus on character/plot development amongst other areas of concern.

Then there are the issues of multiple city maps, but an initial continent map would get the ball rolling.

While a certain degree of hand wavium is acceptable, believability in regards to proper trade winds, storms, precipitation and placement of mountains and rivers in their proper biomes must be adhered to. I need to be able to place minerals, flora and fauna properly for the sake of my story.

The above is rather vague, but we can get into the particulars during our first consultation.

Of course reproduction rights for the artist are to be expected and I am perfectly happy with you retaining copyright privileges.

Thank you J.M

Attached Thumbnails


Click image for larger version.       Name: 0-1.jpg    Views: N/A    Size: 65.7 KB    ID: 133999


Click image for larger version.       Name: Fracas_15_lowered equator(1) 2.jpg    Views: N/A    Size: 883.0 KB    ID: 134000


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