January 10, 2025

A Dangerous Game is Afoot in Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic #10 – Exclusive Preview by StarWars.com Team

A Dangerous Game is Afoot in Marvel’s Star Wars: The High Republic #10 – Exclusive Preview –

To prove she is loyal to the Nihil, Keeve Trennis must do something very un-Jedi like: kill a prisoner and former ally.

In StarWars.com’s preview of Star Wars: The High Republic #10, help is on the way, but will Avar Kriss and the rest of the knights arrive in time?

The High Republic #10 from writer Cavan Scott and artist Georges Jeanty, with a cover by Phil Noto, is available for pre-order now on Comixology and at your local comic shop on October 20.

Star Wars: The High Republic #10 preview 1 Star Wars: The High Republic #10 preview 2 Star Wars: The High Republic #10 preview 3 Star Wars: The High Republic #10 preview 4 Star Wars: The High Republic #10 preview 5 Star Wars: The High Republic #10 preview 6

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This information appeard first at https://www.starwars.com/news/marvel-star-wars-the-high-republic-10-exclusive-preview

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