March 12, 2025

foldable cube with snap in


Foldable cubes with snap mechanics

generated with Fusion360 for an art project: https://github.com/ventilator/voxel

interesting part is the 3D Printing part:

A did a lot of experimenting for the correct look, since they are semitransparent, be careful about the surface structure

fill pattern, top and bottom fill should be “Hilbert Curve”, other infills generate ugly stripes and even worse: depending on the rotation on the print plate stripes with different angles. See first image, look closely to the surface to see the differences, there are some “beta cubes” in the assembly

If available, use a textured sheet on your printer, this gives a better “frosted glass” look

3 cubes fit on a Prusa Mini if you rotated them as shown here

Once printed, just fold them. They should snap together and are held in place by the back plate (snug fit)

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4705870 on January 1, 2021 at 07:00PM by der_ventilator

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