February 21, 2025

Blog hits and trends

On its 11th anniversary, let’s look at blog statistics and and draw some lessons from this compilation:

  • time scale in months with employment tenure below
  • number of posts by month (orange bars, scale right)
  • top 20 individual posts (red bars, scale right)
  • blog reads per month (blue line, scale left)
  • trends (dashed) with aggregators (yellow), none (blue) and tweets (green)
click to enlarge


The first thing to notice is that I wrote a lot until Dec. 2011:
  • oilelefant.com was a small startup at the cusp of Web 2.0 and even entered then maiden Geovation program, and a lot was written to launch and market a web offering
  • OpenWare is Esri’s Kuwaiti distributor, where I lived solo for over a year and the blog helped reach European, North American and South Asian audiences
  • brand-building is shown at left by the peaking graph, also per “social media circuit” described in this Slideshare


  • linear trend lines were calculated in Excel, adb show three distinct phases
  • I had two aggregators, Spatially Adjusted and Slashgeo, who helped spread the word, but when they closed shop my readership fell off a cliff
  • also starting 2012, I settled into a less manic blog posting pace with a flat trend in the middle
  • the last couple of years I rationalised my professional social media engagements
  • the latter became my de-facto aggregator as described above


The up tick in the trend at right also resulted from focusing on two topics in support of messaging for cottenham.info
  • climate change tapestry as background to tackling social isolation in East Anglia villages
  • and now following the pandemic as it nests into the climate issues from the previous point
Note also an increase in the frequency of the posts, which also contribute to their relevance and public interest.


It’s been said before:
  • keep posting to maintain audience interest
  • build a brand to steer the messaging toward
  • focus on relevant topics and channels at hand

This information was first published on http://blog.zolnai.ca/2020/08/blog-hits-and-trends-over-11-years.html

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