Tiny remote control cars burst onto the scene from time to time, often sold from mall kiosks and covered in garish stickers. However, sometimes it’s more fun to build than to buy. [diorama111] clearly fits into this camp, building a tiny 1:150 scale RC car from the ground up.
The build starts with a Tomy 1:150 model of what looks to be a Mercedes. However, only the outer shell remain. From giving the wheels rubber tires and fabricating a delicate steering assembly, to adding motors for both locomotion and turning, the mechanical build is on point. But seeing the ATtiny1616 is deadbugged with a DRV8835 motor driver, with the SMD parts hooked up with magnet wire to save the most space possible is equally impressive. A PIC79603 IR module is used to receive the commands to drive the car.
The build is an artful one, and all done by hand — no 3D printing or CNC parts involved. Watching the car drive is a delight. The smooth analog steering and slow speed give it an excellent scale appearance. The only thing we wonder about is the difficulty of driving it quickly without the aid of self-centering steering. It reminds us fondly of the 1:96 scale fully-functional Mustang RC plane we featured in 2017. Video after the break.
[Thanks to killergeek for the tip!]
This article was first featured at https://hackaday.com/2020/08/12/scratch-build-of-this-tiny-rc-car-is-a-handmade-fabrication-masterpiece/ on August 12, 2020 at 08:09PM by Lewin Day
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