March 6, 2025

Child Bracelet Sizer (Metric, 10-15cm)


This is a child bracelet sizer, perfect for making bracelets for children or smaller wrist sizes. This sizer measures from 10-15cm; each step is 1cm larger in circumference than the previous step.

I recommend at least ~20% infill, but it depends on your usage. I only use mine occasionally for custom orders, if you expect to be using these frequently or with harder materials, you may want to bump up the infill to the 50-75% and/or increase the shell thickness. A raft could be beneficial if you have elephant foot issues, as the bulge may affect how accurately you can measure the bracelet. Also, this should go without saying, but your printer MUST be accurately calibrated for this print to be usable. Layer height isn’t really that big of a deal, so feel free to use larger layer heights if you want to cut down on the print time.

I decided to make my designs available for free as a way of giving back to the 3D printing community. If you are able to give a tip, it would be greatly appreciated as I am a freelance worker. If you cannot afford a tip, then please go out and do a random act of kindness and that will be payment enough 🙂

Please let me know if you find any errors/issues with the models so I can fix them, thanks. Happy printing!

This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4540428 on July 12, 2020 at 04:39PM by ChaoticQuokka

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