September 20, 2024

Popular rant, but this ‘Attack First’ rng is absolutely the worst thing to happen to battlegrounds – June 21, 2020 at 05:21PM

With pirates and the cannon that procs off any minion and is tier 2 for whatever reason whoever attacks first can decide the whole game easily.

Yes I know battlegrounds has wild rng inherent, but it just feels so fucking bad to take some 20+ dmg on a match I had a 70% win chance for the sole reason of the other guy getting to hit first and sniping my shit or buffing his own board past break points.

It is so fucking terrible.

/rant over.

submitted by /u/zarkovis1
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/hdcs6u/popular_rant_but_this_attack_first_rng_is/

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