I managed to damage the micro-usb socket on my Monoprice Maker Select Mini printer whilst moving it.
Then I decided to attempt to replace the socket with a standard panel-mount ‘B’ socket (the square one) as that would be more resilient in the long run.
This also has a hole for the micro-sd card.
This measures 186x66x2mm
to be honest, I’ve not yet managed to get this to work as I’ve not been able to 100% determine which circuit tracks I should be connecting to. But that will just take a bit more investigation.
More stuff that I’ve created and write-ups of commissions etc can be found on my blog:
You can also buy there things I’ve made 🙂
This article was first featured at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4422342 on June 3, 2020 at 02:09PM by gadg3ts
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