March 6, 2025

Bullitt Bike Kickstand feet


The kick stand caps that came with the bike wore through. The local bike shop was not able to get replacements. So… 3D print some. I tried to add a bevel to make it an easier rock up onto the kick stand.

The hole is a little large for the leg, since I used the kickstand as metal on ground for a bit, meaning I need a bit of extra room to get them on. A dab of hot glue works wonders.

Mirror for left/right combo.

I would recommend printing on its side so you have less chance of shearing off the bottom layers (happened in an earlier version for me). I printed this one at an angle, but needed supports.

Have been using for a bit and working well.

Hope this helps!

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2LdAh5m on May 8, 2020 at 11:15AM by Truff

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