Included here are the parts needed to create your own doll hands out of any 3d model.
These were designed with Monster High dolls in mind, and with some modification should fit other dolls with similar joints.
I haven’t adjusted the wrist peg yet, but it should fit Ever After High dolls if the wrist peg is slimmed down a bit.
I remixed “Monster High hand joint” by popsodav, I had to make the peg bigger and it fits my MH dolls well now. It also fits knockoff MH dolls.
I included some hands I made from the “Neko Pose” included with “Angel Doll – Modified version of “Little Ball jointed Girl”” by sokutaban. They should be a good size for Monster High scale as-is.
The wrist ball is what sits in the doll’s wrist socket. Sink that model about halfway into the wrist end of your 3d hand model of choice, then use the Cube Hole as a “hole” and line it up with the slot in the wrist ball. Carve out a hole in the back of the hand, join the wrist ball with the hand, and voila!
The wrist peg should fit fine into a MH doll’s arm and the C shaped loop should hook onto the wrist ball in the hand easily, I found that if I sanded the wrist peg at all it got too loose, so it seems to print at just the right size for me. I just need to trim off any excess plastic. Be sure to print these pegs with a little brim around them to keep them from slipping on the printing bed.
I’ve used this to make all kinds of weird stuff into doll hands, try it out!
I printed these in PLA with a .4mm nozzle, .16mm quality
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2W8cZ62 on April 27, 2020 at 09:44AM by LizzyLovesSatan
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