March 3, 2025

Point Density Map – Electric Utility Customer Meters – April 27, 2023 at 12:49PM

We have over 20,000 customer meters in our utility’s service territory, represented as points on a map. I have been tasked with creating a map that shows a cluster of where the top 80 percent of customer lie, based on the density of all these meter points.

Is it possible to perform a cluster analysis that categorized areas by percentage of the total? Is that even possible? I’m familiar with the hot-spot analyses and cluster analyses in ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro. But, I’m not sure if visualizing these sort of maps by percentages are possible.

The purpose: The Operations Department is creating a basis for where a line crew person should live in relation to where the utility’s customers live. The rule would be that any line crew person should live within this cluster where 80 percent of the utility’s customer meters (points) are located.

If there’s a better direction to go with mapping the data for this, I’m all ears.

Thanks in advance! Any help is much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Breck90
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