March 11, 2025

First time making a topographic map at a large scale, feedback is very welcome – April 25, 2023 at 08:49AM

First time making a topographic map at a large scale, feedback is very welcome


I wanted to try my hand at a large extent topographic map, and I have to admit it looked better in my head.

My main criticisms are:

– I’m not too happy about the location of the title.

– I’m not sure if it would have made sense to label the countries.

– Overall I think the map looks a bit “flat” / empty.

– Naturally, the coverage is not complete, but that comes from the data source.

I shared some of the tools / color ramps I used on my github, it’s a bit drafty but I figured it may help someone.

What do you think ?



submitted by /u/Smoltbob
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