February 26, 2025

Export Map Series as JPEG – April 19, 2023 at 02:42PM

I’m a GIS tech and part of my daily job duties are to export figures as JPEGs to go in reports. Every now and then I have a figure that is to large to go on 1 map so I split it up into a map series or several bookmarks.

I’m aware how that I can a export map series as a PDF but I can’t find any clear answer to export a map series as a JPEG. So for the last few months I’ve been individually exporting each page. It’s usually not so bad, but every now and then, one project will require upwards of a hundred pages.

Does anyone know how to automate the exporting of a map series to JPEG?

I’m using ArcGIS Pro btw.

submitted by /u/Vegetable-Ad-4635
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